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Cosmetic Dentistry Specialist

Personal Touch Dentistry

Wilma Antonio, DDS

Family & General Dentist located in Eastchester, NY

Cosmetic dentistry makes it easy to mask oral imperfections like crooked, overlapping, or stained teeth. At Personal Touch Dentistry, family and general dentist Wilma Antonio, DDS, offers various cosmetic dentistry services on-site, including veneers, teeth whitening, and dental bonding. To make an appointment at the practice in Eastchester, New York, call the office or click the online booking tool today.

Cosmetic Dentistry Q & A

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry uses special tools and treatment techniques to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your teeth and gums. 

Before developing a custom care plan, Dr. Antonio takes several factors into account, including your hair color, skin tone, tooth shape, and the things you like and don’t like about your smile. 

What services does cosmetic dentistry include?

At Personal Touch Dentistry, Dr. Antonio offers a variety of cosmetic dentistry services, including:

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening uses hydrogen or peroxide gels to eliminate stains and brighten your smile. Dr. Antonio offers two types of in-office whitening treatment, Philips Zoom and Sapphire. 


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment system that corrects mild or moderate alignment issues. Instead of using brackets and wires, it relies on a series of removable, plastic aligners that fit snugly over your teeth. 


Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that attach to your permanent teeth. They mask oral imperfections like gaps between teeth, stains that won’t respond to teeth whitening, and pointy or unusually shaped teeth.

Cosmetic bonding

Cosmetic bonding uses composite material to repair damaged or decaying teeth. The material looks very similar to your natural enamel, ensuring it blends in with your smile. 


Microabrasion is an outpatient procedure that removes a very thin layer of tooth enamel. It’s a quick and convenient way to eliminate minor stains, yellowing, or spots. 


Crowns are caps bonded to the top of a damaged or decaying tooth. They restore your biting and chewing abilities and return your tooth to its near-original shape, size, and condition.


Bridges repair a gap in your smile. They replace one or several missing teeth and are held in place with two crowns or a metal framework. In addition to replacing missing teeth, bridges lower the risk of gum recession and bone loss.

Dental implants

Dental implants are titanium posts that replace your natural tooth roots. They fuse with your jaw, providing a base for dental restorations like crowns, a fixed bridge, or implant-retained overdentures.

What does cosmetic dentistry involve?

Before recommending cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Antonio conducts an oral exam and takes a series of digital X-rays. 

Then, she asks you questions, including what it is you’d like to improve about your smile. Dr. Antonio uses your responses to develop a care plan. That might include one in-office tooth whitening appointment or several visits spaced weeks or even months apart.

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry, make an appointment at Personal Touch Dentistry by calling the office or clicking the online booking tool today.